Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cranky mean ladies

So I am a member of an online forum website. It has multiple forums, and some of them are for IF. I don't post on them but I do lurke. What really makes me mad is when a woman who is longing for a baby sooooo bad gets pissy when another woman already has one. Especially when the women that do have kids have the audacity to bring the kid to a RE office. Hey jerks she is obviously there for issues similar to yours. Why do you hold such contempt for something you are wanting so bad.

Did they ever think for one effing second that these women were lucky enough to have one but want more? Or is that realm of thinking past your small minds? In a few years are you going to be the woman with a child wanting more? You have no one to watch your child for these multiple appointments or can't afford more child care because the cost of the treatments she is undergoing is already putting a strain on her financials. And who knows maybe what helped get her pregnant the first time isn't working this time and she may be having worse problems than you are. Get.Over.Yourself!

So please stop thinking about YOUR empty nurseries and think about theirs. They are there for the EXACT same reason you are so get off your damn high horses and think about others. Get over yourself. The fact of the matter is that there are babies in the world. Thousands of them. You are going to see them at the mall, church, Drs offices, on the street, on the bus, etc. You can't avoid seeing other peoples babies unless you stay home. So quit the wah I had to see a baby complaints and think hey I hope we are all able to get pregnant soon!


  1. ROFL bad day? I hate working and seeing pre-teens come in and register for babies and not understand how things work and then watch them slurp down an ice and two pretzels. UGH. I'll switch you... I'll take bitchy nags you take stupid teens.

  2. Not really a bad day, just tired of reading those posts. And how hard is it to register? You point click and get presents. Wabam haha! And now I want a cherry icee!
