So, we had gone to the RE for our initial consult and I was waiting on my period for my day 3 blood tests. My period came right on time, February 9. On Thursday, it went to jst spotting, but there was definitely flow that Wednesday. Friday came and my period was completely gone, but I went to do the blood tests, I called the RE's office to let them know of my wacky period and se said as long as I had flow on Wednesday to go ahead and do the tests. But call Monday to update them on the disappearing period. The nurse also asked if I could be pregnant. I laughed and said well, after 15 months its possible, but not all that probable. However I picked up a pregnancy test just in case.
Saturday, I woke up and peed on a stick. Within a few minutes it came back +. All I could say is Holy shit! Over and over. I couldn't believe it. So I took Wy and myself to Walgreens and got one of the digital 3 packs. They all came back PREGNANT.
Well husband didn't get home until midnight from his trip, so I had to keep it a secret and find a cute way to tell him. I made Wy a shirt that said big brother and put it on him. And I left all the pg tests on the counter. But by the time he got home, Wy and I were both passed out in my bed. So I pulled the blanket down to show husband the shirt. His face was awesome. He looked at me and said really!? I then pointed to the bathroom, and then promptly fell back asleep. I was exhausted! Not the most fantastic way of telling him, but it did the trick haha!
So thats how we found out that we finally did it! Oh, and I called the RE's office back on Monday, who were just as shocked as we were, although they said this did explain my crazy high blood tests!!
Great story. Totally trying to figure out how to tell the husband some day. I don't think I'll be able to keep a secret! I do however have the grandparent surprise down pat!