Friday, December 31, 2010

WTF is going on?!

My temps this cycle are The first two days the BBT said 97.05, followed by 96.8 which I was hoping was the temp ip I needed. But then it read 98.6 yesterday and today 97.18. There is still hope, but not much. Today is CD 15.

If this cycle is a bust we are going to wait until March to go to the RE if needed. I am not really looking forward to that. We are getting new insurance tomorrow and I not entirely sure what type of coverage we will have then. Right now we don't have much of anything. Before when we were on BCBS we had decent IF coverage. I guess we will find out in two week if its needed.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


So things are progressing. Sorda. The kiddo has been potty training all day long. He woke with a wet diaper, but only because hubs and I were slow moving this morning (the kid woke up at freakin 7 am, which on Christmas break, and a 2 am bedtime for the grownups, was a bit early!) However since then he has only had 1 minor accident, and he has gone both #1 and #2 on the potty today! PROGRESS!

Another progression is that it is 1 more day into my cycle. However, no O yet. My temp this morning was low again, 96.6. Which I find funny especially since I wake up so freaking hot and sweaty every morning. You would think I would be freezing! I told my husband after Sunday he is only getting any every few days. There is only so much I can take! He agreed!!

So we will see how the rest of the week goes. Still hoping for a temp spike tomorrow. Hope Hope Hope!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Let the potty training begin!

Tomorrow we are starting potty training our little boy. We are going to try the 3 day potty training. So hopefully, by Saturday night he will be diaper free.

I have been exhausted the last two days. Like sleeping from 12-11. I wake up earlier but I am still so tired I go back to sleep for a few more hours. I don't know why. We have been doing the deed every day for the last 5 days. So plenty of swimmers stockpiled for when my egg does finally release. I know they only live for so many days inside, but the more the better!

Today my temp dropped to 96.8. So hoping this is the big dip before the surge!!! I am supposed to use OPKs but those are not only expensive, but hard to read. So instead we are having sex every day and doing my temps every morning. So we shall see how it goes.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I feel blah!

For the past few days I have been feeling sick. Like if I don't eat, I feel nauseaus, if I do eat I feel nauseaus. My body has been aching and my head has been splitting. I don't know if it is at all related to the clomid or the weather or just a cold. But it has got to stop.

As for clomid side effects, so far this month all I've had is some cramping the past few days around my pelvic region. And I was kinda pissy the last few days of my clomid pills.

So far my temps the last two days have been 97.05. Here is to hoping I get my drop and surge soon! I am hoping to ovulate before CD16. I am hoping by Oing sooner that maybe my LP will be longer and will hopefully result in a +!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

TMI about Glycerin!

I am allergic to it! This past month I discovered that I am allergic to glycerin. Do you know what glycerin is used in? Dial soap. Astroglide. Irish Spring. And most of Bath and Body works soaps. I couldn't figure out why I kept geting itchy and swollen. I tried a yeast cream. That didn't help much. I had stopped using Dial a while ago because my lady parts had gotten so swollen I could barely walk. It.Sucked! I didn't know what it was in dial that I was having a reaction to. But then with the Clomid it made me so dry husband and I had to go buy some astroglide. Well I was having the same reaction that I did with the Dial. So after browsing through the ingredients, I realized that all my soaps, the lube, it all had a same ingredient. Glycerin.

So this month, I am glycerin free. Everything is normal. We have some glycerin free lube now, glycerin free soap, glycerin free everything. I am hoping that the glycerin and the swelling is what prevented the pregnancy. So, within this coming week I should ovulate again. And we will be in the 2ww again. But hopefully, this time, instead of seeing -, hopefully this month it will be +.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve!

Tomorrow is Christmas! Cookies for Santa are baked, presents wrapped, tree all decorated, snow outside! I had been hoping to have an extra special Christmas gift for my husband this year, but instead we will be trying again this month in hope of making another baby.

For his big Christmas gift, Wy is getting an awesome John Deere power wheels tractor with wagon. He is going to LOVE it! We didn't get a good Santa picture this year. He just refused to go near him. I was halfway hoping for a Santa that would just hold him while he was screaming, but they wouldn't. Closest we could get was a picture of me holding him and sitting next to Santa ith husband sitting on the other side of santa. Next year hopefully!

We are in the process of trying to potty train Wyatt. He was doing soo good this morning, every 30 minuts we would ask him if he needed to go potty. He would go each time, Well apparently, he didn't finish the last time because he was in the living room playing when all of a sudden thre was a puddle on the floor. So, I cleaned it up, we had luch and we will try again tomorrow.

This is the first year away from family for Christmas. I oddly enough am not really all that sad about it. I like being able to do our own traditions now instead of driving 3 hours to see everyone for a week and making sure each family has the same amount of time. Instead we are having a nice relaxing week alone just the 3 of us.

As far as clomid goes, I am on day 4 and the only side effect as of now are hot flashes. And slight insomnia because I took it too late last night.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Onto Cycle 14

Well, the clomid worked. It did what it was supposed to. I ovulated. But big whoopie. Something didn't work. Because on CD 23 I got my period. I ovulated on CD 16, so that makes my LP 9 days which is really short. I mentioned this to my nurse and she didn't say anything. If this cycle doesn't work I am going to switch to a Reproductive Endo. If all we need to do is to ovulate (check) and lengthen my luteal phase it should be a rather easy fix I would think. Just some meds. I hope.

We had lost internet for the last 3ish weeks. So thats why I had no updates. But here are some updates. The day my period start and the first 3 or so days of this cycle I was absolutely a horrible person. Everything pissed me off. I yelled at everyone and everything and nothing made me happy. Monday night I took some time off from my husband and kid and went to the movies, alone. Kinda sucked, but at least I got away. Plus I got to see Tangled, which was super cute! And after some shopping retail therapy at Target, I went home. And to make it better it was snowing. After Monday, I don't know if it was the 4 hour break or what but I was such a happier better person.

I am on day 3 of clomid right now. So far no major side effects. But last cycle I didn't have any until it was time to start trying. More of that to come soon.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I need chocolate...STAT

I don't know if its the medicine...or if I am gearing up to ovulate (fingers crossed!) But the last two days I have had such bad cravings. Like two days ago, I needed something chocolatey. Not just chocolate, but like chocolate cake...or a chocolate donut...or cheesecake...or something. We had nothing. Just some chocolate chips. And at 10:00 at night with snow falling I am not running to the store and husband didn't take the hint. Now, I am not proud of this, but I took those chocolate chips, and some cream cheese, and made a makeshift chocolate cheesecake. Yes it was delicious. And yes I felt sooo much better afterwards. I am pretty sure my husband thought I was bat shit crazy!

Yesterday I didn't have a craving so much as it was just sooooooooo hungry all day. I just snacked throughout the day. A bite here, three bites there. I am pretty sure I gained like 15 pounds yesterday. By dinner time, meatloaf was thawing but it just didn't sound good. So I stuck it back in the freezer and instead we had egg sandwiches. They were delicous!

Also yesterday, Wy had his booster shots. He got the flu, hep a, and pneumonococal (not sure how that one is speeled, but sound it out ha!). We got home and he ate a handful of bites. By 12:30 he was ready for a nap. He slept until 6 freaking 30! Holy cow! And what did I do with that time? Well, I made a mantel garland, and I watched a ton of crap tv. It.Was.Awesome! I haven't had 6 hours to myself that didn't include sleep (although it was thought about) in I don't know how long! Glorious! And then the poor guy had a alittle bit of dinner and was ready for bed again an hour later. Today though, he woke at 7:10 screaming bloody murder! A shot of tylenol and some milk and he went back to sleep. But I haven't. And thats a good 1.5 hours before normal waking time. Oh wells! I just hope he feels better today. Yesterday was wonderful having time to myself, but I like it better when he wants to play. My day is sooo much more fun then!

I can't wait for tomorrow!! We are supposed to get about 4 inches of snow (maybe 5!!!) I can't wait to take Wyatt out in the real snow and play!!!!!!! I love snow!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finished my drugs!

So I am officially done this cycle with taking drugs! Ha! Provera made me super nauseaus. Even when I took it with food, but that was really my only side effect. Clomid made me soooooooo hot. Like it is 32* here mostly and I am standing outside with no coat on and thinking it feels FANTASTIC!

My family came up to visit us for Thanksgiving, which is why there haven't been any new posts this past week. Sorry!

I started OPKs (Ovulation Predictor Kits) this week. So far 2 negatives. But my temperature took a steep dip yesterday and went straight up today. Hopefully a good sign! I am currently on CD 9. So hopefully I will get my surge within the next 4ish-5ish days. If we get pregnant this cycle, baby will be due August 29! Sooo excited! Husband's birthday is early August, my great grandma's was mid August, and my niece is the last of August (granted my psycho sister will be uber pissed that my child's birthday falls two days before her's, you should have seen her when she found out our son's birthday was 2 days after her son's. She is freaking ridiculous!) But who cares about her, we are just hoping for a happy healthy little baby 9 months from now!

In off topic news, it started snowing yesterday! I LOVE snow. Like super love it! Everyone else when we moved to the north was like oh wait until winter when you have all that snow! All I could think about was snowmen, igloos, snowball fights! I can't wait!