Tuesday, July 19, 2011

25 weeks down, 15 to go!

I can't believe this pregnancy is already more than half over! I have been busy sewing stuff for the nursery and finishing Wy's room. I had been meaning to paint some murals on his walls since we moved in, I just hadn't found the time. I figure with just about 100 days left to go I better get started. Once I finish his room I feel like I can finally start on the nursery. We still need to clean it out as it is my craft room currently. I need to make bumpers for the crib and buy some curtains for both the boys rooms, but other than that all the other textiles are done.

Oh, and I forgot. ITS A BOY haha! I knew it was a boy all along. I was so SICK of my family sayig oh, I hope its a girl. You need a girl this time. I bet its a girl. Especially when I knew it wasn't. I would love a girl. I would love to put big ol' bows on her head and dress her in frilly dresses. However, I am sooo excited that it is another boy. I want Wy to have someone to play with that wants to play with him. I've seen my niece and nephew play together. It consists of lets play dolls, no they are for girls we are going to play my boy game, I don't want to, well too bad because we aren't playing girl games. They don't really play together all that much. With two boys, they can play cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, and whatever other boy games there are!

Now back to the nursery, we are doing a Dr. Seuss theme. We are going to paint the walls either light green or light blue. The crib skirt is like a turquoise with red bean dots. The sheets are minky and are orange, lime green, and a bright blue. The bumpers are going to be yellow on one side and Dr. Seuss fabric on the other. And I plan on putting in red curtains in. It will be a very colorful room!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Uneventful so far

So far this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. Around 13 weeks I had some unexplained spotting, but other than that nothing.

Because we tried for so long and it just happened all of a sudden, I feel as though something is going to happen. It is all too good to be true. So every cramp, etc I freak out. I find myself each time I go pee checking the TP to make sure there is no blood.

However, now I can feel that little baby inside. Kicking, poking, not really sure, but movement none the less. That makes it soo much easier to relax and make sure everything is ok. We also bought a doppler on Ebay, but of course, the little stinker likes to hang out low and deep, so its hard to find the HB. In fact at my 16w appt, the Dr couldn't even find the HB with his super fancy expensive doppler. So he did a quick u/s. It was on this old junky u/s machine. He quickly found the little heartbeat. I didn't even ask for him to take a quick look for gender since hubs wasn't there.

Now I am not sure, but I think I have been having BH each morning when I wake up. They go away when I go to the bathroom, but still, makes me worry. In fact the other night when hubs and I were, well, ya know, we had to stop in the middle because it was becoming painful and I felt like I was having BH contractions.

Friday, May 6, 2011

NT Scan

Ok so it has been forever since I posted. I am just so worried that something will happen so if I don't mention that baby it is safe. Dumb I know.

So we had the NT Scan (Nuchal Translucensy Scan). It tests for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13 & 18. They do an ultrasound to measure the fold at the back of the fetus' neck. Well, apparently we have a lazy gummi bear in there! Baby did NOT want to turn around. He was facing my back and we needed a profile shot. It was supposed to be a 30 minute ultrasound. After the first hour, they had us get up walk, get something to eat and drink (OJ and a rice krispie treat, I tried loading up on sugar to kick that baby's butt into gear!). We go back up, and for the next hour, they try some more. And by try, I mean, for two hours, I was pushed on. Think what it would look like if you tried bouncing a bouncy ball on a mold of jello. Yup, squishes, pokes, prodes, evilness. At one point, I felt the baby move, she was pushing so hard on him! Finally, just when they were about to give up, he turned! The fold was measured at an avg of 1.7, anything below 3.0 is good! And they saw the nose bone, which also helps prove that there is no defects.

After the very long u/s, they prick my finger and take 5 droplets of blood to run bloodtests for. A week later they called me and said we have a 1/10000 chance for these defects. Which basically means out of 10000 people 9999 will not have a baby with DS or Trisomy. Basically it is as negative as it gets! Yay!

OH and I keep saying He because we were told 80% chance its a boy. Meaning, if the genitals have finished forming by that point we got a tiny boy in there! We will find out for sure June 20. Now its off to decide on a boy name.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Here it is

So Spring Break is over. And with break time gone, apparently morning sickness has decided now was a good time to begin.

I woke up nauseaus this morning. And it never went away. I haven't thrown up, but have wanted to. You know when you are sick and feel sick to your stomach and think, man if I could just vomit I would feel sooo much better? Yeah all day like that!

I am thinking maybe this is a sign that the placenta has begun to take over now? It is supposed to happen around 8 weeks, and today I am 8w3d, so it makes sense right?

My next appt is a week from tomorrow. T will not be able to go :-( I think after this appointment, I will be released from the RE's office and go to the OBGYN's office. I have been to this OBGYN once, when he put me on clomid, unmonitored. I guess I will go back to him, since I haven't gotten any other good reviews from anyone up here. If I end up not liking him, there are several other Drs in his practice.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 8

Tomorrow marks the start of week 8! Baby is about the size of a rasberry, or .63" and .04 ounces. Baby has arms and legs that are not near as webbed as they were last week ha!

As for me, I am down 4 pounds as of my first weigh in at the Dr. However going by my scale at home, I am the same. (The first appt I was so extremely bloated! It looked like my hands and feet had marshmallows stuffed in them). But now that the bloating is gone, first thing in the morning my weight is back where it was 6 weeks ago pre-pregnacy.

Also, no real sickness yet. I am surprised I haven't gained 239848234 lbs yet since I have been eating nonstop to keep the sickness away. No real vomiting yet, just some nausea and as long as I have food in my stomach I am fine.

The exhaustion though is killing me! Luckily Wy has been sleeping until 9/9:30 which to his body is only 8/8:30 (at least one good thing comes from DST). Bt by mid-afternoon I am more than ready for a nap! And by 8 pm I am ready for bed. At which time I really should go to bed, but I don't. I usually stay up and watch the news. So I make it to bed by 11ish. You would think that 10ish hours of sleep would be enough. Maybe it would be if I slept though the night. I wake up because I am too hot, so I open a window. Then I wake up because I am too cold. So I add a blanket. Then I wake up sweating and have to listen to the neighbors loud dog barking at 5:30am. Jerks. Or I wake up because Wy wakes up and wants in bed. Or I wake up because Wy is being a bed hog. For being 3' tall and 30lbs, he sure can take up a majority of a king size bed!

So, for those of you who haven't had kids yet. Get your sleep in now. Sleepless nights don't start after the baby is born. Oh no, it starts after that + comes back on those home preg tests. Between needing to pee, unbalanced body temperatures, uncomfortableness, and on round two, a sleepless toddler or baby.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We got to hear the heartbeat on Monday! It was 150 bpm! The little gummi bear looked like it was doing a touchdown in there!

When we got home, I showed Wy the u/s picture. I showed him where the baby was and he kissed it and yelled My baby! He is absolutely smitten with this whole baby idea. His favorite thing right now to do is ask where the baby is, I will show him my tummy and he will shove his finger in my belly button, yell baby, giggle, then run off. Then he usually does the same thing to himself. Lifts his shirt, pokes his belly button, yells MY baby, and giggles! Love this!

We go back to the RE in two weeks for one more final appointment with him. Then we will be switching back to the regular ol' OBGYN. In two weeks I am also hoping that I can stop taking the progesterone suppositories. Hate those! But at least they are working. My progesterone level was up to almost 36 Monday. So in reality it is probably MUCH higher because the suppositories aren't absorbed directly into the blood stream, they are absorbed directly where it is needed.

So that is what is going on in the world of baby!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby Pool

Ok, so here is a link to our baby pool! Go ahead and venture a guess if you want. I just wanted to see if it would work, and it did haha!

Edited: Just to help you makea more of an educated guess, Wy was 7lb 12 oz, 21.25 inches.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How it all went down

So, we had gone to the RE for our initial consult and I was waiting on my period for my day 3 blood tests. My period came right on time, February 9. On Thursday, it went to jst spotting, but there was definitely flow that Wednesday. Friday came and my period was completely gone, but I went to do the blood tests, I called the RE's office to let them know of my wacky period and se said as long as I had flow on Wednesday to go ahead and do the tests. But call Monday to update them on the disappearing period. The nurse also asked if I could be pregnant. I laughed and said well, after 15 months its possible, but not all that probable. However I picked up a pregnancy test just in case.

Saturday, I woke up and peed on a stick. Within a few minutes it came back +. All I could say is Holy shit! Over and over. I couldn't believe it. So I took Wy and myself to Walgreens and got one of the digital 3 packs. They all came back PREGNANT.

Well husband didn't get home until midnight from his trip, so I had all.day.long to keep it a secret and find a cute way to tell him. I made Wy a shirt that said big brother and put it on him. And I left all the pg tests on the counter. But by the time he got home, Wy and I were both passed out in my bed. So I pulled the blanket down to show husband the shirt. His face was awesome. He looked at me and said really!? I then pointed to the bathroom, and then promptly fell back asleep. I was exhausted! Not the most fantastic way of telling him, but it did the trick haha!

So thats how we found out that we finally did it! Oh, and I called the RE's office back on Monday, who were just as shocked as we were, although they said this did explain my crazy high blood tests!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

What do these pictures have in common?

A bed

Poppy seeds
Blood samples



Apple Seeds

Scroll down to find out!

They all have this in common!

See that little black ball in the middle?! Thats our baby!!! Due October 26, 2011

The bed is well, obvious I hope.

The poppyseed is how big the baby was when we found out we were pregnant, Feb 12, 2011

Blood samples = hCG #1 38, #2 913, #3 210 (The hCG is the chemical the body gives off when pg, you want it to at least double every 48 hrs)
Capsules=progesterone suppositories. To maintain a pg, your progesterone levels need to be at least 9.5. Mine were 19.5, then 17. So I get to take these 2x/day. Super fun....
Pills=prenatals. The vitimins to keep me and baby healthy. These are special ones for me thanks to the whole IR.
Apple seed is how big baby is now!!
More to come on this whole process!

PS keep this on the downlow until we announce on FB later this weekend!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We have a diagnoses!!!

Last Friday I had my testing and yesterday they got the results! Drumroll please.....

I am insulin resistant. This means my body's insulin is not as effective in reducing blood sugars. If not caught in time it could eventually lead to diabetes. They put my on Metformin to fix it. Insulin Resistance is a marker for PCOS, which is what they had diagnosed me without testing before. But now it is certain. So now on with the metformin and see how I do on it.

I'm supposed to take 1 pill once a day for a week and then go up to 2/day if I tolerate it.

Here is a link if you want to read more on it:


I hope this Dx will help fix me now!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 3 Testing

Today I woke up an hour early. Got the kid dressed, fed, and off to daycare. Then drove over to the lab. I got there about 10. I had 2 orders, 1 for FSH, LH, and Estradiol. The other was a glucose test. Now here is the issue. Today should be day 3 of my cycle. Wednesday I am 90% sure was day one. How is this even a question? Well because any and all signs of AF have dissappeared! Seriously. Thursday was light spotting and today nothing, not even slightly blood tinged. (Sorry if TMI, but hey its my blog right?).

But I decided to go to the lab anyway because I had already fasted and brought Wy into daycare early. Well, almost 10:30 they finally called me back to get my first draw. I was sooo freakin hungry! Well I had to stay hungry. After my first draw, I had to drank some nasty orange sugar syrup water crap. It took everything I had not to barf. Seriously, empty stomach+sugar crap=nauseaus!! Well I got to go sit in a small waiting room for the next TWO hours! To my joy, this mother daughter duo came in. For the first 45 minutes of my two hour wait I got to hear this wonderful conversation:

I can't believe I way 109 lbs. Francesca only weighs 101. But I can fit into her size 1 buckle jeans and she cant!! Ugh I wish I had boobs. I have no boobs or butt. Francesca has big boobs and is sooo skinny!

Well Francesa looks like she has gained a little weight, has she been eating junk?

No she eats what I eat, I just stay skinny. UGh they want my to run on a treadmill and I am soo sore from dancing yesterday.----------Are you going to be good?---------I hope so.-------------Me too, since you will be up in front of 100s of people.-----Ugh I hope I do good at Miss Kenosha.--------Me too honey.

It just kept going on like that over and over and over. Holy cow, I just wanted to slap them! Oh and this icing on the cake? "Well at least I know Jason loves me for me since I don't have boobs." Explain this logic to me please.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time to get started

I started spotting today. So that should mean tomorrow could be day 1, or later today. That means either Sunday or Saturday will be day 3. So not too bad. Husband should be home in time to watch the kid while I go sit in a lab for 2 hours and drink two cups of orange syrup. Yes it tastes as "good" as it sounds. That would also mean the HSG would be on Saturday. Again not too bad, as husband can entertain kid in the waiting room while I go get my ute dyed. Wonder if they could tie dye it haha!

Good news is that I called the insurance company and they said that they do cover the diagnostic testing. The S/A will be covered as long as we show proof that it is an on going issue (IE cancer etc). And the HSG as long as it isn't to obtain a pg , which it isn't its to see if I can get pg not make a baby, its covered. This all may end up being a battle, but as long as we can provide reasons for the testing and it isn't to "make" the future baby then it will be covered!! Yay for good news!

Friday, February 4, 2011

RE Appt done

We had our consult yesterday with the RE. We have a plan. Its a small plan, but hopefully it will get us somewhere.

As of right now, he wants me to have day 3 testing (3rd day of my period) which will include a blood draw t check FSH, LH, and Estradiol which are all hormone levels. Also he wants to have me do a Glucose Tolerance test. I did this once before to check for Gestational Diabetes. Now though it is to check to see if my body is intolerant to insulin, which would confirm a Dx of PCOS. On day 10 he wants me to have an HSG (an Xray of my ute, tubes, ovaries) to see if there is a blockage. And he wants T to go giz in a cup and see if he has good motile, mobile, spermies.

Now for the problem. Insurance. Our insurance apparently doesn't cover infertility testing. Which is weird because when I emailed them they said they covered testing just not bypassing the problem (IE IUI and IVF). So I get to call them today. The S/A for T may be able to be covered if Rx'd by his urologist for "cancer checkups". The blood draws and the glucose test may also be covered. However the HSG most likely not. But that test is 2k+. No way we can afford that!!

So we may just do the basic testing and see what it comes back with. I know there is something wrong. I don't know what it is but there is a hormone off balance somewhere. Good news is this Dr also doesn't think its my thyroid. So hopefully he is right.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weight Loss

Or lack thereof...

My friends and I have been doing weekly weight loss check ins for the last few weeks. I will admit week 1 I didn't really try because we were still trying to get rid of leftovers from Christmas. But the last two weeks I have been trying really hard. I have been walking a lot, all around campus. I probably walk around 1 mile 4x/week. Now compared to a month ago where I only walked around my house and maybe Target and the grocery store. Now you would think that in and of itself would at least help me lose a lb or two. But nope.

Now you are probably asking yourself well, what is she eating? Granola bar for breakfast, turkey and cheese with mustard sandwich for lunch and a side of fruit, and a well balanced dinner. We bought some of those 100 calorie packages, a variety of them. And I have 1 of those for snack in the afternoon.

But I am still at the same weight I was weeks ago. Last year I worked just as hard to lose weight, walking to and from the local park with Wyatt, a good mile and a half 3x week and eating healthy. By March I had not lost any weight. By August I was still at the same weight so I just gave up. And when I gave up I gained a lot of weight. Then I went on clomid and now I am an additional 10 lbs from what I was 3 months ago.

It is really depressing trying and failing. Although at this point if I gain anymore I could double as Shamu's well, double. Only not as impressive because I can't swim as awesome. So now if I can just maintain my current weight it would be alright. Losing wight would judt be a huge fantastic bonus!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My best friend Brooke

Kellys Korner Blog is having a Matchmaker link up this week and I am introducing to you all my best friend, Brooke.

Brooke is an amazing person. She is 23, soon to be 24 years old, and lives in NE Oklahoma. She is hilarious, smart, beautiful inside and out, and all in all just a wonderful person. She loves joking around and has a fantastic sense of humor. When ever anyone is feeling down and Brooke comes around it doesn't take long for everyone to start laughing and feeling better. Everyone loves her and she is extremely fun to be around.
(Brooke being silly in the snow)

She is currently in Law School and wants to become an international lawyer. Brooke loves to travel, meet new people, and sports. Brooke has been to Vietnam twice on mission trips and has traveled throughout the US. She is an all sports lover, football, baseball, hockey. And she is also in to politics, she has worked for a few local campaigns. She also is kind of a big deal because she worked in the US Senate (At least I think thats a big deal!!).
(Brooke in Vietnam)

Brooke likes the shows Dexter, Criminal Minds, and 30 Rock

Her favorite movies are Pirates 1-3, National Treasure, 12 Angry Men, Runaway Jury, and Indiana Jones

Her favorite bands are 30 Seconds to Mars, AAR, Switchfoot, and Capital Lights

Now, I know what your thinking, doesn't she read? Indeed she does! She likes to read classical novels like the Count of Monte Cristo, Shakespeare, the Lais of Marie de France, and Farenheit 451. Those are just a few of the books she loves.

(Brooke volunteering for Habitat for Humanity)

She is looking for a guy that is trustworthysmart, caring and has a good sense of humor. Someone who likes sports and similar music interests would be a huge plus!! Also someone who enjoys traveling and is also social. Although if your a wallflower have no fear, Brooke has a way of bringing the best out in people! She would prefer someone in the NE Oklahoma area as well. Also, huge plus if you are a good speller to make up for her lack of good spelling!

(Brooke at an NFL Game)

Appointment is set

Ok, so we have our RE appointment set up for Feb 10. And husband has an appt on Feb 9 with his uro. We are wanting this RE appointment to just figure out what the heck is going on with me. I truly believe if the fix the reason I have been losing my hair, endlessly exhausted, can't lose weight but gain gain gain, and just do not feel like myself then I will also start ovulating on my own again. And maybe have a real LP again instead of these short ones that are not good for sticky babies.

So, that is where we are. Waiting. And hoping. And praying. We went to church two Sundays ago trying to find a good one. Although this church was not the right one, they did have a baptism renewal ceremony for those who've been baptised can come up and drip some water on their forehead, and pray. I prayed for a baby. At that point I was still a week and a half from my period and was still hopeful for that month. But honestly I am kind of glad it was a bust. Because now hopefully this new Dr can figure out what is wrong. The last 3 haven't so maybe 4th times a charm?

Monday, January 17, 2011

I feel soooooo horrible!

Holy cow I haven't had cramps this bad since I was like 14. I just want to crawl in bed and sleep the rest of the day. Unfortunately, having a 2 year old prevents me from doing that. Instead, we are having a lazy day in the living room playing with some toys and watching TV.

In other news we set up an appointment with a RE. However now I have to reschedule it because Husband will be gone. Since the RE is only in the office on Thursdays in the afternon, that cuts down on when I can remake the appt. But Thursdays are also my only day with no class so it kind of works out nicely.

Speaking of class, it starts tomorrow. I am a little nervous. Mostly because new place, new people, and not knowing ANYONE. But son is excited about going to school! He keeps asking if we are going when we get in the car. I am making his backpack for daycare. Since it has to hold a blanket and pillow, extra clothes, and his schoolwork it has to be decent size, but small enough for him to carry. It is adorable and blue and green with a choo choo on the front, he is going to LOVE IT!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Onto cycle 15

Well, that clomid cycle was a fail. Oddly enough I am not really sad like I was last time. I think it is because I knew it was coming. So now I am waiting on a call back from the nurse at my OBGYN for a rec for a RE. I already have one picked out, but want to hear what they think about them as well. It would be a bit of a drive, about 45 minutes, but they have really good success rates. And thats the point of all of this, SUCCESS.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This is a long cycle

Today is CD 28. This is one of the longest cycles I have had in a while. Usually my period arrives like 4 days ago. However this was a wacky cycle. If I did ovulate it was on CD 18 which is 2 days later than last cycle. So that puts me at 10 dpo which is 1 day longer than last cycle. I am giving it until Saturday to test only because husband is going out of town Sunday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Impending period...

Its going to happen. I have my period symptoms. Sore boobs, pissy, crampy. Its just a matter of time. My temps are still up but I give it a few more days. I am on CD 26 which is 3 days longer than my last cycle, but I also O'd I believe 2 days later. However I am not 100% sure if I did or not because I missed 2 days of temping.

My progesterone was 7.5 this month. That is really low for a medicated cycle from what I have been reading. I give my period a few more days. I am not hopeful this cycle at.all.

On to researching good REs for real now...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cranky mean ladies

So I am a member of an online forum website. It has multiple forums, and some of them are for IF. I don't post on them but I do lurke. What really makes me mad is when a woman who is longing for a baby sooooo bad gets pissy when another woman already has one. Especially when the women that do have kids have the audacity to bring the kid to a RE office. Hey jerks she is obviously there for issues similar to yours. Why do you hold such contempt for something you are wanting so bad.

Did they ever think for one effing second that these women were lucky enough to have one but want more? Or is that realm of thinking past your small minds? In a few years are you going to be the woman with a child wanting more? You have no one to watch your child for these multiple appointments or can't afford more child care because the cost of the treatments she is undergoing is already putting a strain on her financials. And who knows maybe what helped get her pregnant the first time isn't working this time and she may be having worse problems than you are. Get.Over.Yourself!

So please stop thinking about YOUR empty nurseries and think about theirs. They are there for the EXACT same reason you are so get off your damn high horses and think about others. Get over yourself. The fact of the matter is that there are babies in the world. Thousands of them. You are going to see them at the mall, church, Drs offices, on the street, on the bus, etc. You can't avoid seeing other peoples babies unless you stay home. Babies.are.a.fact.of.life. So quit the wah I had to see a baby complaints and think hey I hope we are all able to get pregnant soon!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Phlebotemists are the devil!

So last night we drove down to Kenosha so I could give a blood sample. It is to test my progesterone to see if I ovulated. Well we get there I sign in and wait to be called back. Finally I go back and get chatty with the lady. She goes to find my vein and she thinks she finds it and pokes me. Miss. So she moves it around and tries to get it in the vein. As she is trying, another nurse comes in. We are talking while the first lady is still poking around in my arm. Then she drops the freakin needle!!! It was still in my arm!
So first lady says she is all done and lets lady #2 to do it. Lady #2 feels around for a good while. She finally finds a vein to poke. Half way down my forearm on the other arm. So now I have two bruises on each arm and they are too painful to pick up my son.

In other news, we found a daycare for our son last night. We needed a place that is open late because I will have some night classes and husband travels (seems to be traveling alot more this year already up to four trips in the next 3 months, including Australia). This place isn't near as nice as others I have seen but they have a good program, nice people, etc. The only thing I really don't like is their food menu. It consists of corndogs, sloppy joes, poptarts, brownies, etc. So I think I will be packing his dinner on those Tuesday nights.

Classes start a week after next so I have this coming wek to get it all straightened away!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Here is the deal-i-o

So I was asked why we will be waiting until March if this month is a bust. The answer is that I just got into grad school and I want to take off a whole semester when the baby(ies?) comes. If we get pregnant between Jan and March baby would be born October through December. Plus there would be a very good chance that our current little boy would share a birthday to the new one and we want to spread it out more.

What does clomid do? Clomid is used for women who do not ovulate on their own or do not ovulate very strong on their own (for me it was the first). Provera is used to start a woman's period. This is usually used when a woman has a super long cycle (45+days, usually closer to 60+).

CD=cycle day, CD 1 is the first day of your period
RE=reproductive endocrinologist, the Dr that preforms IUIs, IVF, etc he figures out how to make infertile people fertile.
LP, LPD=Luteal Phase, Luteal Phase Defiency, your LP is the time between when you ovulate and when you get your period. When it is less than 10 days it is considered defective
IUI, IVF=InterUterine Insemination (this is what Kate+8 did) the Dr monitors you for follicles and injects sperm into the uterus to acheive a pregnancy. IVF is Invitro Fertilzation, where the dr gives you drugs to create a lot of follicles to have an egg retrieval (giant needle into ovary to retrieve) then fertilizes the eggs with sperm, and then freezes the extras and transfers the amount agreed upon (2-4 usually).
PCOS=Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome, affects many women and is usually a major cause of IF. Symptoms are Insulin resistance (body can't process insulin), cysts on Ovaries (not always), facial hair, and increased testosterone
BCBS=blue cross blue shield
OPK=ovulation predictor kit, pee sticks that detect your LH surge to tell you when you are most fertile
LH=lutenizing hormone, the hormone released when you ovulate
TSH=thyroid stimulating hormone, the hormone your thyroid creates
Progesterone=hormone released after you ovulate, depending on how strong you ovulate depends on how high the level is. On a medicated cycle a good number is over 15.
KU=knocked up
Anymore questions about this just ask!

Tomorrow I go in for a blood draw to see what my progesterone levels are. Last cycle my level wa only 13.51. That compounded with a LPD is probably why I didn't get KU last cycle. Hopefully it is a higher number this time and a longer LPD.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So my temps still haven't shifted. I don't really know what that means. Have I or haven't I ovulated? Today s CD 19. By this time last cycle my boobs felt like they had been used for punching bags. So maybe there is still hope. My OBGYN's office is kind of dense when it comes to all this I believe. If this cycle is a bust I will be going to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. We will not be trying until March if this is a bust because I want to be able to take off a whole semester from school.

Last month my Luteal Phase (time between Ovulation and period) was really short, like 7 days short. Anything under 10 days is considered deficient. LPD can prevent pregnancy or result in a miscarriage. When I mentioned this to the nurse she didn't say anything about it either way. This is why I will be going to a RE if this is a bust.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I woke up today feeling horrible. I am so tired and my lower abdomen hurts so bad. Its crampy and I have been having sharp pains especially when I sit upright. I don't know if this means I am O'ing or cysts or what. All I know it hurts so bad and don't feel good. I want to go to bed but probably won't.

Fertility friend says I still haven't ovulated, but I am not sure if my temperatures have been correct. I think the thermometer may be dieing...we will see